by Yuliya on 2015 May 3 09:22

For this weekend we found a couple of good tools you can use in you communication practice. Also, the last week’s tragedy in Nepal gave lessons about the efficiency of communication during and after the crisis. Here are some reads to reflect on how C4D has taken place in response to the earthquake.
by Yuliya on 2015 May 1 09:42

Social movements are meant to bring a social change. But do they? “In the Aftermath of Gezi – From Social Movement to Social Change”, a seminar held in Istanbul May 4-5 2015, aims at answering the question with a case of Turkey.
by Yuliya on 2015 April 29 12:59

Recently released Special Issue of Nordicom Review syndicates innovative perspectives on theory and practice in the field of communication for social change, shedding light on its development from various perspectives.
“Many of us working in this area have recognized that some of the more interesting theoretical developments in this area have occurred either on the margins of communication for social change theory or wholly outside of it,” writes editor Dr Pradip Ninan Thomas about the incentive for this publication.
by Yuliya on 2015 April 27 13:38

The devastating earthquake in Nepal has become a check on the speed of relief and effective communication efforts. This natural disaster could have been anticipated, yet took authorities and aid agencies by surprise.
The earthquake of 7.8 magnitude is the most destructive one in 80 years of the relative lull in the country since 1934. Moreover, it is also believed to be one of the worst in the world, according to India Express timeline.
An immediate response from the creating the Google Earth Tour gives a perception of the scale of the disaster. Yet as argued by the, it shows only 3% of the devastated zone. A death toll of more than 3.600 people may significantly rise due to lack of contact with the remote mountainous villages, where the damage is supposed to be higher than in Kathmandu.
by Yuliya on 2015 April 25 01:15

We wrap up the week with a few selected news from the field of technology, communication and development. Read the program of IAMCR 2015; get useful fundraising tools for your NGO; learn how to deal with the latest changes in Facebook’s policy and more in this week’s post.
Facebook: “liking” doesn’t matter?
Facebook has made it harder for organizations to leverage engagement. Now comments weight way less than they used to. So, for digital media strategists it is indeed a significant shift: now the button “Share” on your website is more important than ever for an outreach whereas a mere “like” can’t take your organization far.