by Yuliya on 2016 July 11 12:42

The special issue titled “Communication for Development and Social Change: Experiences & Future Convergences”, published in 2017, will provide in-depth understanding of the role of communication in social movements and various forms of collective action. Have your study included in the special issue.
by Yuliya on 2016 June 26 13:04

Open-space documentary is a valuable method in the communication for development toolbox. It does not only engage, but also empowers communities. Professor Patricia Zimmerman highlights projects worldwide where the power of user-generated content has done the work.
by Yuliya on 2016 June 13 18:23
by Yuliya on 2016 June 5 21:13

Preceding the 2016 Ørecomm Symposium, it is a joint specialization course within the research areas MUSA (Migration, Urbanisation and Societal Change) and NMOG (New Media, Public Spheres and Forms of Creation).
by Yuliya on 2016 May 27 19:37

Chris Kamlongera, one of the great African ComDev scholars, best known for research on theatre for development in Malawi, passed away last week. “He was a strong inspiration to several generations, a committed scholar with an immense energy who will be deeply missed,” says Thomas Tufte.