
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

2nd Online Territories Colloquium, Uppsala

by Ørecomm on 2010 April 29 22:42

Materiality and Meaning; Embodiment, Orientation, Habitation; (Mediated) Social Space, Mobility and Privacy; How Babies are Made; The place-ness and placeless-ness of the mediated city; Mediápolis, Human (In)Security and Citizenship.

These are excerpts cut from titles of papers to be presented at the 2nd Online Territories Colloquium, in Uppsala, 11 May 2010.

Speakers on the programme: Johan Fornäs, Shaun Moores, Maren Hartmann, Charlotte Kroløkke, Myria Georgiou, Thomas Tufte.

This is an open event, so drop in should you be nearby and interested. This flyer contains programme and abstracts.