
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Children’s and Young People’s Media in Africa

by Ørecomm on 2010 August 19 12:41

This international conference is organised by the Africa Media Centre, Arab Media Centre, Media Policy Group, Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster, UK, 11-12 March 2011.

It is widely believed that the mass media have taken over the role of storytelling, something which traditionally was performed by grandmothers and grandfathers in most of Africa. If so, who today are storytellers in Africa? What stories do they tell, when, where and with what effect to children and young people? The answers to these questions are not clearly established because there is currently not much information about how children and young people in Africa are targeted by the mass media. This is a call for papers for a conference on production and reception strategies for children’s and young people’s media in Africa. Papers are invited on media in the whole continent of Africa: north, south, east and west, whether individual countries, groups of countries or the regions of North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

For more information, see the full call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is 5 November 2010.