
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

IJoC: Special Section on Engaged Research

by Ørecomm on 2010 August 19 23:38

The International Journal of Communication, in collaboration with the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), has just published a collection of essays featuring contributions from invited participants to the IJoC/SSRC Forum on “Making Communication Research Matter.”

These four essays explore how and why engaged research should be conducted, with each one taking a unique approach and focusing on a specific topic:

  • Inquiry into how researchers can include and collaborate with under-represented populations by asking the underlying question: For whom should our research matter?
  • Examination of how different roles―practitioner, academic, and activist―can overlap and complement each other to support the community radio cause in the policy arena.
  • Analysis of the obstacles and methodological challenges of working with grassroots activists that addresses the question of how different organizational cultures can best talk to each other.
  • Discussion of how personal and collective processes of reflection and action can empower researchers and practitioners in understanding dynamics of power and participation.

In the IJoC Table of Contents go to the Features section a couple of screens down to find these articles. Should you want to browse the full contents, remember to expand the contents list, clicking on [+More Articles…], [+More Features…] etc.