
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

“Technology and social participation”
– Write an essay and earn money

by Ørecomm on 2010 November 30 17:47

Intel’s Experience Insights Lab (XIL) seeks to commission several essays on the theme of “technology and social participation”:

Our goal in this activity is to gain an understanding of the intellectual landscape across several academic disciplines including (but not limited to) sociology, anthropology, science and technology studies, social movement studies, communications, media studies, and design studies. We are essentially looking for literature-reviews: we want to know about big ideas and major debates, central texts and case studies, and significant thinkers and practitioners who are shaping these discourses. We are also interested in hearing the author’s particular point of view, and will welcome provocative submissions that challenge our assumptions and suggest alternative areas of investigation.

We plan to commission four essays at US$2500 each. Interested authors should submit a brief (1 paragraph) abstract indicating their general approach and the literature(s) that they will cover. Abstracts are due to Tad Hirsch (tad.hirsch@intel.com) by Dec 10. Essays are expected to be
completed by March 31, 2011.

For more information see the full call here (pdf).