
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Course: Soaps and Society

by Ørecomm on 2011 February 21 21:48

Not many drama writers visit the Ørecomm site, but you might want to forward information about this course to drama writers you know:

Harnessing the power of popular drama
Some of the problems facing societies around the world today require a change of attitude and ultimately of behaviour in people within those societies if they are to be surmounted. Issues to do with health and the environment are cases in point. Domestic violence is another. Worldwide the rising incidence of violence in the home and the number of deaths from unsafe water, from alcohol, drugs, smoking and AIDS are evidence of how prevailing attitudes and patterns of behaviour are an obstacle to attempts by experts and educators to persuade people to change. /…/

Used effectively – often in collaboration with specialists and educators – the broadcast media can make a contribution to the development of societies by raising awareness and changing attitudes. And there is perhaps no more effective means for them to do so than the long-running serial drama such as the ‘soap’.

The 12 week course will run September to December 2011 in Hilversum, The Netherlands. For more information visit the Radio Netherlands Training Centre (RNTC) website here. Deadline for applications: 1 July 2011.