
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

CfP: Theorising Development
and Technological Change

by Ørecomm on 2011 February 23 16:25

The Information Systems Journal (ISJ) invites papers for a thematic issue on ICT4D. From the call:

While information systems are increasingly designed and implemented on a large scale within and across a variety of organizational settings around the world, information system research tends to remain focused on North American and Western European environments. However, we cannot take for granted that findings originating in these contexts are necessarily relevant in developing countries located in different continents. Indeed, the role of information technology in the context of development (ICT4D) is a strategically important area of study. Much of the ICT4D literature to date has had a strong empirical focus.

This special issue focuses on technology related change in the context of developing countries, and for developing countries. Our particular concern is to develop theoretically inspired insights and reflections in this domain. This could comprise of at least two approaches. One could be to formulate theoretically informed insights into or derived from specific empirical studies of information technology for development. Alternatively, we encourage papers that strengthen our conceptualisation and theorisation of development related to technological change.

For more info see the full call for papers here. Deadline: 2 May 2011.