
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

The Globalization of the Pavement

by Ørecomm on 2011 March 2 15:21

Ørecomm colleagues Ylva Ekström, Hugo Boothby and Anders Høg Hansen just published an article on Social media as ‘Pavement Radio’ – New Media Publics; a Tanzanian case study.

Read the authors’ background brief here or go to the article which begins:

“While the cameras, microphones and spotlights of the world media were targeted towards the wave of people’s demonstration in northern Africa a disaster was taking place further south on the same continent. In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as it has in north Africa, social media would play an important role in enabling a group of people often excluded from news production an opportunity to report their own stories and construct a narrative of the night’s events. /…/

[ Read the full article here ]