
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Communication and Social Change

by Ørecomm on 2011 March 23 09:38

The Centre for Communication and Social Change (CfCSC) at the University of Queensland is looking to appoint an early career researcher. The post-doctoral research fellow will explore how the application of participatory development communication frameworks and methods in development planning, implementation, and evaluation make a difference towards development effectiveness.

Applicants should hold postgraduate qualifications at PhD level or equivalent in a field related to Communication for Social Change and should possess a track record of publishing in high quality international journals or other appropriate refereed publications. Also, any experience in research project proposal development and coordinating the implementation of research projects is an advantage. The CfCSC welcomes domestic and international applicants. Deadline: 22 April 2011. More info here.