
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Doctor honoris causa:
Mother of Development Communication

by Ørecomm on 2011 July 8 14:32

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has decided to award Nora C. Quebral an Honorary Doctorate. The ceremony will take place in December 2011.

Nora Cruz Quebral is an important figure in the field of Development Communication. She helped to launch DC as an academic discipline and she has also taught many renown development communication professionals. Her academic base since the 1960’s has been the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), where she still serves as emeritus professor. Nora Quebral, often just NCQ, now mainly works as a consultant, from the Nora C. Quebral Development Communication Centre, Inc.

In the early 1970’s Nora Quebral coined the term “development communication”, which she defined as:

“the art and science of human communication linked to a society’s planned transformation from a state of poverty to one of dynamic socio-economic growth that makes for greater equity and the larger unfolding of individual potential.”