
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

New book: Globalization and Media

by Ørecomm on 2011 December 3 20:46

Jack Lule published his new book “Globalization and Media: Global Village of Babel”, possibly of interest to some in the orecomm.net audience. From the announcement blurb:

“From earliest times, humans have used media to explore, settle, and globalize their world. In our day, media have made the world progressively “smaller” as nations and cultures come into increasing contact. Decades ago Marshall McLuhan prophesied that media technology would transform the world into a “global village.” /…/

The global village, however, is not the blissful utopia that McLuhan predicted. Nor, in a more modern formulation, is the world flat, with playing fields leveled and opportunities for all.”

More on the publisher’s webpage here.