
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

New issue of MedieKultur: Media, empowerment and democracy in the global South

by Ørecomm on 2012 June 21 18:11

The past decade has witnessed significant changes in media environments worldwide, prompted by the advent of web 2.0, the unprecedented spread of mobile phones, and new ways of exploiting old technologies. Rural areas in the Global South are experiencing rapid transition from periods of limited mediated access to the ‘outside world’ to a new multi-facetted mediated access due to the sudden and often simultaneous introduction of private and community radio, cable and satellite television, and high mobile phone penetration. Meanwhile, in urban settings from Kathmandu to New York, people have access to diverse forms of ‘hypermedia spaces’ /…/, while an explosion of electronic mass media and new ICT, especially social media, have created new forms of social and political communication.

Thus begins the editorial of the current issue of MedieKultur (Vol 28, No 52 (2012)), with the theme: “Media, empowerment and democracy in the global South”. The contents can be seen here; from this page you may also download all content, articlewise. Theme editors were Poul Erik Nielsen and Norbert Wildermuth, both participating in Ørecomm.