
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

DeXus 6.0: Discourses and Practices That Matter

by Ørecomm on 2012 December 5 20:05

This International Summer School on Discourse, Practice and Social Justice is to take place 19-24 August 2013 in Aalborg, Denmark.

The thematics of the summer school is prompted by the recent emergence on the global stage of a set of interlocking global crises – including climate, energy, food, water, finance – which demands a renewed interdisciplinary effort to understand how to mediate the future, the past and the present in ways that attend to equity, justice and rights. The aim is to bring together people investigating and promoting social change and transformation with an explicit focus on the role of discourse and practice in shaping and prefiguring a just future.

Invited guests: Rodney Jones (City University of Hong Kong), Sarah Pink (RMIT University/Loughborough University), William Housley (Cardiff University). Local tutors: Paul McIlvenny, Pirkko Raudaskoski.

Registration deadline is 1 May 2013. For more information on the course, and how to apply, see website here.