
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

How researchers can learn to stop worrying and love communicators?

by Ørecomm on 2012 December 13 20:26

Nicholas Benequista writes:

“Let’s be frank. Researchers don’t really like us research communicators.

They have good reason not to like us, but this doesn’t necessarily need to be so. To explain why, however, I have to go back thirty years or so.

When it was finally acknowledged that policy-makers mostly ignore research, Nathan Caplan postulated the “two communities theory” to explain this shocking phenomenon. He said that there was a “culture gap” between researchers and policy-makers demarcated by their different values, language, professional practices and institutional contexts.

In a sense, those of us who work in research communication are supposed to be the bridges between these two communities, but if you look critically at the literature on research communication, you’ll see that we’ve recreated that culture gap.” /…/

Thus starts a blog post on the IDS Impact and Learning website. Read the full post here.