Last call: ESA 2013: Communication, Crisis, Critique and Change
The next conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) will take place 28-31 August 2013 in Torino, Italy. The Research Network 18 on Sociology of Communications and Media Research is planning a number of sessions on these overarching questions:
- Which crises (including the financial and economic crisis of capitalism, global wars and conflicts, ecological crisis, the crisis of democracy, legitimation crisis, etc) are we experiencing today and how do they influence media and communication in contemporary society?
- What are the major changes of society, the media, and communication that we are experiencing today?
- What forms of political critique (political movements) and academic critique (critical studies, critical media sociology, critical theory, etc) are emerging today and are needed for interpreting and changing media, communication and society?
See the full ESA RN18 call. Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2013.