
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change


by Ørecomm on 2013 January 30 21:24

info25.org is the website for “25 years of the information society in LAC 2000-2025” – ‘LAC’ being Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative seeks to take stock of the development of the information society in the region and to analyse and debate options for the future.

info25.org will host several activities, events, publications and projects.     

In April 2013, high-level officials from across the region will gather in Montevideo, Uruguay, for the Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society for Latin America and the Caribbean.

The pre-event ‘Open Development: Exploring the future of the information society in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)’ will take place in Montevideo on 2 and 3 April 2013. You are most welcome to contribute and participate. This event is organised by Fundacion Comunica the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).