
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

CfP: Latin American Communication Research

by Ørecomm on 2013 February 6 18:38

jlacrJournal of Latin American Communication Research invites manuscripts and proposals to the Volume 3, Issue 2, dedicated to “Latin American Critical Thinking”. The issue looks for papers that expand or critique our understanding about the development of critical thinking in Latin America, a perspective that have brought an important corpus of knowledge to communication studies. What is the current state of critical thinking in the region? How is critical thinking facing the challenges of new media? How is the map of media concentration? Which are the regional policies for media and communication? What is the validity of traditional positions in critical thinking to understand the currents dynamics of society? These are themes of interest for the upcoming issue – but also other proposals are welcome.

Submission deadline is 30 April 2013; expected publication 30 October 2013. More information here.