
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

UNESCO: First WSIS+10 review meeting

by Ørecomm on 2013 February 16 03:03

10 years after the World Summit on the Information Society UNESCO is now arranging the first WSIS+10 review meeting, to take place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, 25-27 February 2013.

WSIS set a common vision of societies in which information and knowledge play critical roles in enabling the development of countries, societies and individuals, including those marginalized and the most vulnerable. In 2015, the WSIS outcomes implementation will be reviewed by UN General Assembly. The review meeting will assess the progress made, look at ongoing and future ICT trends and build a vision for new information/knowledge societies in the framework of the overall WSIS review process towards 2015.

More information on the event, programme, remote participation, background documents and more is available on the WSIS+10 website.