How Open Data is Changing International Aid
The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) invites to a seminar:
How Open Data is Changing International Aid
Monday, 4 March 2013, 14.00-15.30, at DIIS, Strandgade 71, Copenhagen.
This seminar will focus on World Bank Institute’s (WBI) role in helping the World Bank explore new ways to do development. Recent activities in the Middle East, the growing influence of Middle Income Countries and the increasing access to information and communication technologies are forcing the development community to think differently and to adapt. WBI’s work with non-state actors, facilitation of South-South knowledge exchange and use of technology to increase access to information, including aid flows, to enable greater citizen participation and to tap expertise in the private sector to develop innovative solutions is at the forefront of the World Bank’s emerging approaches.
WBI’s strategy and work program is focused around three main areas: (i) Open Knowledge, (ii) Collaborative Governance, and (iii) Innovative Solutions, which together enable Open Development. WBI’s innovative approaches to open and inclusive development have been generating significant interest, including during the recent Global TED event in Edinburgh. Main speaker is Sanjay Pradhan, World Bank Vice-President and Head of the World Bank Institute (WBI).
For more information, and to register (required) go here.