
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

CfP: VIII ULEPICC conference, Buenos Aires

by Ørecomm on 2013 February 24 02:51

ULEPICC 2013 LOGOThe theme of this year’s ULEPICC conference is Communication, Policies and Industry: The impact of digitization and crisis on policy and regulation. The conference will take place 10-12 July 2013 at the National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The event aims to serve as a platform to discuss the social, economic, cultural and
technological scenarios that emerge both at a global level, and within Latin America. The overall conference theme leads to panels and papers dealing with a wide range of specific subthemes and topics, such as the development of public communication policies, the strategic role that cultural industries have within the economies, the transformation of the business models, the private sector’s management of communication and culture, the role of the citizenship (communitarian, popular and alternative sector), and the technological development for the general well-being.

See the full call in English here. Deadline for abstracts is 31 March, with full papers due 31 May 2013.

ULEPICC stands for “Unión latina de economía política de la información, la comunicación y la cultura”. It is an association of researchers from Europe, Latin America and Africa with a common interest of understanding information, communication and culture from a political economy perspective. For more information on the conference and ULEPICC, see conference website.