
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Research seminar: Multimodalities: Aesthetic Dimensions in Music and Education Practices

by Ørecomm on 2013 March 14 19:36

The theme of multimodality has gained interest in recent years for a wide range of practical and academic disciplines. There is widespread consciousness, influenced by semiotics, that text does not necessarily imply a verbal text, and that the interaction of genres and modalities can enhance and change intentions of meaning. The focus for this seminar reflects our interest in studying and understanding how music interacts with other modalities of expression in production, communication, experience and interpretation. Key issues will be the potentials and challenges of such interactions in education, arts production and performance, health care and other sectors of society.

Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies and Volda University College invite you to participate in this research seminar as a PhD candidate or delegate. The seminar will be held at Volda University College, Norway, 18-21 June 2013. Registration is open until 15 May, submissions (were) due 15 March. To register and for all other information, see seminar website.