
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Last Minute: Open Development Camp

by Ulrica on 2013 October 30 10:38

How can open data, innovative technology and new ways of working help us create a better world? This will be the main topic of a two day event on Open Development in Amsterdam on 7-8 November 2013.  Registration is still open here.


“ODC13 will be an active, participatory event. International key note speakers will inspire and challenge your existing ideas. They will lead the debate on the on-the-ground value of open development. Explore the cultural changes that (have) come with these new tools and new ways of working. Discuss how they influence your work and your projects & learn how to put them to best use.”

For more information, visit the website of the event.

The Open Development Camp is organized by Open for Change, a Dutch network for Open Development.