
Centre for Communication and Glocal Change

Lecture: Social Movements and their Technologies – Wiring Social Change

by Ulrica on 2013 December 6 12:42

Don’t miss Stefania Milan when she is visiting Roskilde University for a guest lecture next Friday 13 December 2013 at 11am (building 40.2.25).

Today’s social movements rely heavily on communication technology to organize and protest. Self-organized communication infrastructures are crucial gears in the machine of dissent organizing. But how do these platforms and projects emerge, and how do they function?

Who are the activists behind them? In her new book, ‘Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change’, Stefania Milan analyses the rise of radical internet projects and low-power radio stations as political subjects.

She investigates how these projects contribute to changing the way people communicate in daily life, as well as changing communication policy from the grassroots.

Stefania Milan is an Assistant Professor of Data Journalism at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.

For more information, look here.