by Yuliya on 2016 February 23 09:49

What is the role of new media in our everyday life? How does it nurture social changes? On 3 March, 2016 Ørecomm and Global Dynamics welcome you to join discussion with top scholars visiting from UK and US.
by Yuliya on 2016 February 17 11:12

On Thursday 18 February 2016, the World Humanitarian Summit is hosting a panel discussion on the urban nature of displacement. You can join online.
by Yuliya on 2016 February 11 12:40

Refugee crisis in Europe has developed a new segment of communication for development and crisis communication. To what extent is it efficient? What is innovative in media handling refugee migration? Researchers in the field are welcome to apply for a 2-year post doctorate at Malmö University.
by Yuliya on 2016 February 1 14:45

How to navigate easily in tons of material collected during ethnographic research? Join our PhD seminar in Kenya and learn from Kenyan and Scandinavian experts working in the field of media and communication studies.
by Yuliya on 2016 January 29 16:28

For the last three years movement Women 100 (Hundred Years of Immigrant Women’s Life and Work in Malmö) has been trying to make visible and recognize immigrant women’s life and work in Malmö. These stories are collected in the 4th Women 100 Newsletter that has just been released.